Blackhawks Rinkcast – Season 5, Episode 5 – Reactions to investigation fallout


Rinkcast fill-in host Jeff Osborn and co-host Sean Fitzgerald are joined by Rink staffer Andrew Bard to talk about the results of the Jenner & Block investigation of the sexual assault lawsuit from 2010 and the fallout.

(Warning, possible SA triggers)

Watch the entire replay of the Facebook live right here:

Watch the entire replay of the YouTube right here:

Watch the entire replay of the Twitter right here:

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Blackhawks Rinkcast – Season 5, Episode 5 – Reactions to investigation falloutBlackhawks Rinkcast – Season 5, Episode 5 – Reactions to investigation falloutBlackhawks Rinkcast – Season 5, Episode 5 – Reactions to investigation fallout
Blackhawks Rinkcast – Season 5, Episode 5 – Reactions to investigation falloutBlackhawks Rinkcast – Season 5, Episode 5 – Reactions to investigation fallout

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