Rumor Roundup


Those who have followed me for any period of time know that I will only report what I actually hear—and even then, some of it never gets out because it doesn’t pass the smell test.

I will also tell you when it’s been quiet. And today, the last full workday before the Monday 3PM trade deadline, my inbox is empty. At least as of this posting.

So what follows is a roundup—arranged chronologically from most recent to oldest—of rumors I’ve heard over the last week (with some commentary):




Apparently made another run at Artem Anisimov in the last 24 hours or so. Columbus and Montreal I was told had made offers on Anisimov previously, that the Hawks rejected.

Corey Crawford injury

I received confirmation from a reliable team source that his injury is, in fact, concussion related. It had nothing to do with 12-ounce curls or snowmobiles.

My comment: let’s move on.

As reported here first:


Some time in the last few days, the Hawks talked to Philadelphia about a deal that would send Ryan Hartman and Anisimov (and possibly Cody Franson, probably just for contract space) to the Flyers for Val Fillipula, Michael Raffl and either Travis Sanheim or Samuel Morin. And the Hawks might have to retain salary on Anisimov.

My comment: a lot of fans thought this would be a bad trade for Chicago. I disagree. Although he’s older, Fillipula is a much better faceoff guy (something the Hawks desperately need), who plays with more speed than AA. Nick Schmaltz is your 2C, Fillipula fits the 3C profile better—as long as the Hawks retain him. But the jewel of this deal for Chicago would be Sanheim or Morin, each a recent first round pick with size and skating ability—and the kind of D prospect the Hawks simply don’t have.


A source told me he’s “as good as gone.” Might be extreme and premature. But I do hear the Hawks are listening on offers for him and along with Connor Murphy, he is a high possibility to move.

Washington and/or Tampa Bay

The Hawks had two scouts at a game between these two teams the other night. Both are rumored to be looking for defensemen. Murphy? Dunno, no names were mentioned.

Brandon Saad

The Hawks received offers from Pittsburgh (which in light of the Derrick Brassard deal today now makes more sense) and Montreal. Both offers were rejected.

My comment: no surprise teams are offering, nor that the Hawks are rejecting. It’s the smart move on everyone’s part. I doubt Saad moves unless there is an exceptional offer on the table.


The Hawks have been talking to the Sens off and on for several weeks about various players—mostly Chicago defensemen. Two players mentioned to me (among several apparently discussed) were Connor Murphy and Zack Smith. These teams may revisit these discussions after the season’s end.

Tommy Wingels

Very possible Tommy rejoins the Sharks for a playoff run (or the Wild) then returns home this summer as a free agent.


All I have for now. Follow me @jaeckel for real-time updates on rumors as I hear them, 24/7. Between now and the deadline.

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